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August 2, 2021

What’s this all about?

Hello and welcome! Who are we and what are we doing? Like many of you, we have felt the impact of cancer. When Bernard received a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, it was obviously quite a shock. The first priority was to get treatment and try and get things under control. After that, thoughts turned to how to get involved in taking the fight to this horrible disease. The obvious answer, was to combine something that Bernard loves doing and making it something that we can raise some funds with. Hence, the Meander for Myeloma was born.

The idea is simple; Take some people who want to help us raise awareness about Multiple Myeloma, throw them in cars and Meander off through some of our beautiful and scenic countryside. Basically, have fun and do some good while we are at it.

So….What do you need??

No fancy car required, any car will do, whatever floats your boat really…If you want to make your car and yourself stand out we are definitely not going to stop you! A vague sense of direction could be useful, and a sense of humour will be mandatory.

Join us for a pleasurable tour through the high country, taking in the scenery with a couple of fun challenges thrown in, and all while raising money to fight this horrible disease. Check out our Facebook page or click on Join Us (above) to enter.

If you’d like to learn more about Myeloma, please click this link:

July 14, 2021

More info on this years event

Check in will be Friday night in Mansfield. We will bee leaving from Mansfield on Saturday morning October 30th. Travelling around the high country for the next 4 days, ending in Maffra around lunchtime on Tuesday, Melbourne cup day. Entry will cost $900 per team of two, which includes all accommodation (Saturday, Sunday, Monday night) course information, Car Club membership if you aren’t already a member of a Motorsport Australia car club, Prizes, and other tours we might organise.Entries will be closing mid August, as we have to book accommodation and need numbers to do that. It will also give teams plenty of time to raise their $2500 fundraising goal. As soon as possible after you enter, we will set up your fund raising page so you can get started! We look forward to your entries, and get them in soon.😊 Click on Join Us above to signup or click the link below to go to our Facebook page.


May 24, 2021

We’re Baaack

Hi Everybody! Due to circumstances beyond, well frankly….Everyone’s control….We all missed out on the event we had planned for last year. Now that we are allowed back outside and into the great outdoors, it’s all go from 2 Beez HQ. If you’re interested in raising funds for a Very Good Cause annnd also having a cracking good time, NOW is the time to sign up!

This year we are going to be touring the High Country (queue the Lee Kernahan tunes) to enjoy the splendour of our beautiful state, and sample the fine goods available from the many excellent local businesses along the route.

So don’t delay, sign up today! Or at least express your interest from our contact us page and we will keep you up to date as our plans develop.

Cheers, 2 Beez!

October 24, 2019

Go Beez Go!

Righto, the “Meander for Myeloma” is GO!
A few details to whet your whistle….

The general layout of the event will be:
Day 0 – Event check in – Ballarat Goldfields Caravan Park 7pm, Wednesday 18th March

Day 1 – Event Start – 9am, Thursday 19th March
Travel out to Halls gap via some interesting points, with some additional fun stops along the way (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours!)
First night accommodation (supplied), Ballarat Goldfields Caravan Park, Dinner at nearby Pub.

Day 2 – 9am, Friday 20th March
Travel to Bendigo, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours!)
Accommodation (supplied), Bendigo Big 4 Caravan Park, Dinner at Caravan Park (supplied).

Day 3 – 9am, Saturday 21st March
Travel to Shepparton, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours again!)
Accommodation (supplied), Shepparton Big 4 Caravan Park, Dinner at Caravan Park (supplied).

Day 4 – 9am, Sunday 22nd March
Travel back to Bendigo, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff, an entirely different route than Saturday. (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours again!) and then a Celebratory dinner at a Pub because you made it, with some awards!

The entry fee will be $700, which sounds a lot, but includes your accommadation, and a couple of dinners, and hours of fun!
This will need to be paid by the close of entries, on the 6th of December at 8pm.
Part of the condition of entry to the event is the expectation that PRIOR to the event taking place, your team will raise $2000 in fundraising (apart from the entry fee). We will set up a GiveNow fundraising page for every team, and give you the login details etc so that you can monitor your fundraising, and make sure you hit your target!

Go to to sign up, and follow us on facebook @2beez.rally for more information and details as they come to hand

The event will be run under the rules and regulations of a CAMS Social Event Permit.
This requires that all persons in the vehicle in the event are members of a CAMS affiliated car club. The team at 2beez, in conjunction with CCRMIT ( for more info) will be supplying membership to any persons that do not have a membership already.

October 7, 2019

2Beez Meander 4 Myeloma

Welcome, and thanks for your interest in our fundraiser!

There will be an entry “fee” of $700 payable to enter the event.  This fee covers all costs incurred by the event organisers, including the accommodation, entertainment, and other stuff.  We are not here to make any money out of this event, any funds remaining at the end of the event will be donated.  You could get a sponsor to pay this if you like! 

This will need to be paid by the close of entries, on the 6th of December at 8pm.

The general layout of the event will be:

Day 0 – Event check in – Ballarat Goldfields Caravan Park 7pm, Wednesday 18th March (You will need to arrange your own accommodation for tonight)

Day 1 – Event Start – 9am, Thursday 19th March

Travel out to Halls gap via some interesting points, with some additional fun stops along the way (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours!)

First night accommodation (supplied), Ballarat Goldfields Caravan Park, Dinner at nearby Pub.

Day 2 – 9am, Friday 20th March

Travel to Bendigo, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours!)

Accommodation (supplied), Bendigo Big 4 Caravan Park, Dinner at Caravan Park (supplied).

Day 3 – 9am, Saturday 21st March

Travel to Shepparton, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours again!)

Accommodation (supplied), Shepparton Big 4 Caravan Park, Dinner at Caravan Park (supplied).

Day 4 – 9am, Sunday 22nd March

Travel back to Bendigo, via some old towns, landmarks, lookouts and other stuff, an entirely different route than Saturday. (it isn’t far, but it will take us 7 or 8 hours again!)

Celebratory dinner at Pub because you made it!

The event will be run under the rules and regulations of a CAMS Social Event Permit.

This requires that all persons in the vehicle in the event are members of a CAMS affiliated car club.  The team at 2beez, in conjunction with CCRMIT ( for more info) will be supplying membership to any persons that do not have a membership already.

August 28, 2019


Welcome to the place for the (ahem) Buzz on all thingz 2beez. We’ll try to update here az often az pozzible, with relevant information, interezting tidbitz and az many truly groan worthy bee jokez az we can fit in.

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