August 2, 2021

What’s this all about?

Hello and welcome! Who are we and what are we doing? Like many of you, we have felt the impact of cancer. When Bernard received a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, it was obviously quite a shock. The first priority was to get treatment and try and get things under control. After that, thoughts turned to how to get involved in taking the fight to this horrible disease. The obvious answer, was to combine something that Bernard loves doing and making it something that we can raise some funds with. Hence, the Meander for Myeloma was born.

The idea is simple; Take some people who want to help us raise awareness about Multiple Myeloma, throw them in cars and Meander off through some of our beautiful and scenic countryside. Basically, have fun and do some good while we are at it.

So….What do you need??

No fancy car required, any car will do, whatever floats your boat really…If you want to make your car and yourself stand out we are definitely not going to stop you! A vague sense of direction could be useful, and a sense of humour will be mandatory.

Join us for a pleasurable tour through the high country, taking in the scenery with a couple of fun challenges thrown in, and all while raising money to fight this horrible disease. Check out our Facebook page or click on Join Us (above) to enter.

If you’d like to learn more about Myeloma, please click this link:

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